Sanna Nordin

Lektor i idrottspsykologi, Gymnastik och Idrottshögskolan i Stockholm (GIH)
Chartered Psychologist with full membership of the Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology, British Psychological Society

Adress Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan GIH, Box 5626, 114 86 Stockholm 

Dans, Perfektionism, Kreativitet, Motivation, Ätstörningar, Talangutveckling

Pågående projekt

The development of dance talent in young people: An interdisciplinary longitudinal research project (2008-2011; artiklar fortlöpande)

Publikationer i urval
  • Nordin-Bates, S. M., Quested, E., Walker, I. J., & Redding, E. (kommande under 2012). Climate change in the dance studio: Findings from the UK Centres for Advanced Training. Sport, Exercise, & Performance Psychology, 1.
  • Nordin-Bates, S. M. (kommande under 2012). Performance Psychology in the Performing Arts. In S. Murphy (Ed.), Handbook of Sport and Performance Psychology. Oxford University Press Psychology Handbooks Series.
  • Nordin-Bates, S. M., Cumming, J., Sharp, L., &. Aways, D. (2011). Imagining Yourself Dancing to Perfection? Correlates of Perfectionism in Ballet and Contemporary Dance. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology.
  • Nordin- Bates, S. M., Walker, I., & Redding, E. (2011). Correlates of Disordered Eating Attitudes among Male and Female Young Talented Dancers: Findings from the UK Centres for Advanced Training. Eating Disorders: the Journal of Treatment and Prevention.
  • Nordin, S. (2009). Setting Precise Aims in an Imprecise World: Reflections on Goal Setting in Dance. Swedish Yearbook of Sport Psychology, 61-73.
  • Nordin, S. M. & Cumming, J. (2008). Exploring common ground: Comparing the imagery of dancers and aesthetic sport performers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 20, 1-17.
  • Nordin, S. M. & Cumming, J. (2006a). The development of imagery in dance: Part I. Qualitative data from professional dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science, 10(1&2), 21-27.
  • Nordin, S. M. & Cumming, J. (2006b). The development of imagery in dance: Part II. Quantitative data from a mixed sample of dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science, 10(1&2), 28-34.
  • Nordin, S. M. & Cumming, J. (2006c). Measuring the content of dancers’ images: Development of the Dance Imagery Questionnaire (DIQ). Journal of Dance Medicine and Science, 10(3&4), 85-98.
  • Nordin, S. M. & Cumming, J. (2005b). Professional dancers describe their imagery: Where, When, What, Why and How. The Sport Psychologist, 19, 395-416.
  • Nordin, S. M., Harris, G., & Cumming, J. (2003). Disturbed eating in young, competitive gymnasts: Differences between three gymnastics disciplines. European Journal of Sports Science 3 (5).
Sidan uppdaterad 2012–01–25